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Upcoming fundraising webinar:

The 6 F's of Trauma Response and Dissociation in Times of Crisis

With Connie Johnshoy-Currie, Psy.D.

Wednesday, June 26

Brainspotting Help connects survivors of wars and natural disasters with mental health professionals volunteering to provide pro bono psychological support.

Our volunteers speak English, Ukrainian, German, Polish, Spanish, Hebrew, Mandarin, Japanese, Turkish, Russian and Armenian. We help regardless of race, ethnicity, creed or nationality.


Brainspotting is a revolutionary therapeutic approach that has proven effective in healing trauma.


Brainspotting locates points in the visual field that help to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain. It was discovered and developed by David Grand, Ph.D. after a breakthrough with a client in his New York practice in 2003. Brainspotting can immediately address many issues that talk therapy alone can take years to heal. 


We have observed a reduction in symptoms of psychological trauma among war-affected clients in Ukraine and refugees, which were treated by our team of volunteers.

"Brainspotting therapy to me is a game changer.
It has been so far the most effective help I have ever got..."

Ukrainian refugee, November '22

I would like to thank the entire team and my specialist personally for their help in solving my problem. Every meeting brought me pleasure. Since we started our meetings, I have never had a panic attack. I feel happy and confident now. Thank you for the work you do for people. For your professionalism, empathy and sincerity. I hug you tightly!

Victoria, Ukrainian refugee,  September 2023

"..after gaining the inner picture that my life currently is like a stormy sea...
Abstract underwater scene, Coron , Palawan, Philippines..jpg
...but in the depth, there is still peaceful silence... I started to feel capable of acting and allowed myself to hope again!"
(client after Brainspotting therapy) 
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