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Donations received
We are required by law to report the total amount of donations received in each fiscal year. We are also required to itemize all donations larger than 3500 EUR.
* All amounts reflect the period from the date of registration of the Foundation on Oct 27, 2023 until the end of the fiscal year on Dec 31, 2023.
Total amount of donations received:
16,938.32 EUR
Donations in excess of 3500 EUR:
November 8, 2023 - 4581 EUR from Asociación Española Brainspotting, Spain
Administrative expenses: 1304.92 EUR
Statutory expenses (funds spent directly on statutory objectives):
7,478 EUR
This amount funded:
Interpretation of therapy sessions
Interpretation of trainings and meetings of consultation groups for Ukrainian therapists
Cash subsidies for Ukrainian volunteers
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